Verónica Bapé

Copyright Verónica Bapé 2021

Work done during a one month residency at Tulum, Quintana Roo, Mexico, 2017

All work supported by ArtHouse Tulum


The struggle of nature with the urbanization process was the reason for research in the Tulum area. I made offerings, I watched the ants for hours, I saw the jungle destroyed and I also saw it resisting.

The work produced at the ArtHouse Tulum Artistic Residence is a constant reference to labor, the work of building, the space we inhabit, and the relationship between human effort and animal activity, such as birds, bees, or ants. The pieces are an approach to the idea of civilization, insisting on community work, in the act of building. Make a home, make nests, like animals do. In the process, I also use the jungle extracts of the landscape and get closer to the beautiful concepts that the Mayan language uses to talk about their world.


-Video- 6:50 min. In an apology to the jungle for what has been taken from it, Ofrenda's video is an in-situ action that offers a symbolic honeycomb. What is written on the piece is the following: TAH KAB- In Mayan language: Honeycomb
PAY KISíN, 2017 (Adore the devil)

PAY KISíN is an argument towards civilization, to the idea of building using cement and concrete bricks.
To the idea of destruction - expansion, and points to Western thought and architecture in contrast to a wild territory and a community that is far from sharing the same strategies.
PAY KISÍN, in Mayan: idolize by calling the devil.
El trabajo de las hormigas, 2017.

T´AH - Señal (marca) que deja la cuerda o ropa en la cabeza por la carga que uno lleva. T´AHAM - Callo en la mano por causa del trabajo. K´U´ ANKIL - Hacer nido el ave. P´ OOLHAL - Acrecentarse, multiplicarse.

T'AH - Sign (mark) left by the rope or clothing on the head due to the load one is carrying. T'AHAM - Callus in the hand because of work. K´U´ ANKIL - Make the bird nest. P´ OOLHAL - Increase, multiply.

Tulum life

Good morning


Some birds singing in a tree

Frightening nature